
Every year students are elected to Officer and Senator positions in the Union. First up is student Executive. The ‘Exec’ is the team that handle the day to day running of the Students’ Union, and consists of the President, 3 Vice Presidents and 6 part-time officers.


Every year, 4 students are elected to work full-time to improve the lives of students at Maynooth University. They are the voice of Maynooth students, and as part of the MSU Executive play a key role in shaping education, engagement, student welfare and services at the University, and lead MSU as an organisation to make sure it is doing everything it can for its members.



Every year, 6 students are elected to work part-time to improve the lives of students at Maynooth University. Together with the 4 Full-Time officers they form the MSU Executive and play a key role in shaping education, engagement, student welfare and services at the University, and lead MSU as an organisation to make sure it is doing everything it can for its members.


Every year, students are elected into MSU Senator positions. Together with the 4 Full-Time and 6 Part-Time Officers officers they form the MSU Senate and play a key role in representing the needs and views of students, overseeing the work of the Union and informing MSU policy. In order to ensure the diverse student population is represented on Senate some of the roles have a particular focus. For example; the Green Campus Senator would have an interest in green issues etc.