Societies Council

The Societies Council is a forum to discuss, and offer opinions on, issues relating to the Maynooth University’s societies.

The Societies Council is to advise the Union on society matters and advises and informs societies’ policy.


Membership of the Societies Council shall consist of the VP Student Life (chair) and the President (or nominee) of every recognised Society.

Members may only represent one Society at Societies Council.


Societies Council shall normally meet six times per academic year, normally with three meetings per semester.

Additional (Special) meetings of Societies Council shall be called by the VP Student Life on the receipt of a written request from the VP Student Life or one-third of Societies Council members.


Quorum shall consist of one third of the Societies Council membership


The VP Student Life shall appoint a Secretary to Societies Council to provide such technical and administrative supports as Societies Council may determine.

Working Groups

The Societies Council has working groups, as set out in Schedule 18 of the MSU Cosntutiton, to assist the conduct of its business.

The Societies Council currently has the following working groups, namely:

  • Academic Working Group
  • Political Working Group
  • Performance Working Group
  • Civic, Social, & Cultural Working Group
  • Faith Working Group
  • Interest & Hobbies Working Group