Constitutional & Representative Review Committee

The Constitutional & Representative Review Committee (CRRC) is established by the MSU Constitution and the Student Senate to examine the Constitution so as to be in a position to advise the Student Senate of the need for any changes it deems necessary, and to review and develop the representative structures of the Union.


Membership of the committee shall be as follows, namely:

  • President
  • Deputy President
  • One past President or Vice President of the Union
  • One past Speaker of the Student Senate
  • Two Part Time Officer members of the Executive
  • Two members of the Student Senate (other than ex officio members) elected by the Student Senate
  • Two members of the Student Academic Assembly elected by the Student Academic Assembly
  • One member of the Clubs Council elected by the Clubs Council
  • One member of the Societies Council elected by the Societies Council


The President shall be the Chairperson of the Committee but may delegate responsibility to another member of the Committee.


The Committee shall meet at least twice per academic year, usually once per academic term, and then as often as required to carry out its function.


Quorum should be no less than 50% of those entitled to attend and vote.


The Committee shall report back to the Student Senate after each meeting.

Schedule of Members for 2019-20

To follow